Abmahnungswelle wegen illegaler Downloads von Pornos

Der BGH hat also nochmals in seiner Entscheidung vom 06.10.2016 (BGH I ZR 154/15 „Afterlife“) klargestellt, dass der Anschlussinhaber eben nicht den Täter nennen muss.

Entgegen Ihrer Auffassung sind die jüngsten Entscheidungen des BGH vom 11.06.2015 – Tauschbörse I-III (Az. I ZR 19/14, I ZR 7/14, I ZR 75/14) – nicht ganz so günstig für Ihre Mandantschaft, wie es nach den Ergebnissen dieser Entscheidungen aussieht. Zwar wurde in allen 3 Entscheidungen den Klagen der Abmahner stattgegeben, allerdings lag dies am Vortrag der jeweiligen Beklagten. Auch aus dem jüngsten Urteil des OLG München vom 14.01.2016-29 U 2593/15-ergibt sich nichts Anderes.

Vielen Gerichten reichte im Rahmen der sogenannten sekundären Darlegungslast aus, dass lediglich die Möglichkeit der Nutzung durch Dritte darlegt wird. Einige wenige Gerichte forderten, dass der Abgemahnte den wirklichen Täter nennen muss. Das ist dann aber zu wenig für eine Abmahnung wegen Urheberrechtsverletzung Hierzu gehörte vor allem das Oberlandesgericht München mit Urteil vom 14.01.2016 (Az. 29 U 2593/15).

Dem hatte der Bundesgerichtshof mit Urteil vom 06.10.2016 (Az. I ZR 154/15)eine Absage erteilt. Er hat klargestellt, dass hier Ausführungen zur Nutzungsmöglichkeit durch Dritte ausreichen. Hierauf berufen sich sowohl das Amtsgericht Bielefeld mit Hinweisbeschluss vom 03.10.2016 (Az. 42 C 151/16), als auch das Landgericht Braunschweig in einem aktuellen Urteil (Az. 9 S 60/16 (3)).

Nutzungsmöglichkeit durch Dritte reicht zur Entlastung aus.

Filme und Musik werden illegal gedownloadet

Filme und Musik werden illegal gedownloadet

Wird ein geschütztes Werk der Öffentlichkeit von einem IP-Anschluss aus zugänglich gemacht, der zum fraglichen Zeitpunkt einer bestimmten Person zugeteilt ist, so spricht eine tatsächliche Vermutung dafür, dass diese Person für die Rechtsverletzung verantwortlich ist. Daraus ergibt sich eine sekundäre Darlegungslast des Anschlussinhabers, der geltend macht, eine andere Person habe die Rechtsverletzung begangen (BGH NJW 2010, S. 2061 – Sommer unseres Lebens).

Ein so ermittelter Anschlussinhaber ist zudem prozessual nicht gehalten, die i. R. der sekundären Darlegungslast vorgebrachten Tatsachen auch zu beweisen, um die tatsächliche Vermutung dafür, dass er für die Rechtsverletzung verantwortlich ist, zu entkräften. Eine Abmahnung Filesharing wäre dann erfolglos.

Der BGH hat in seinen Entscheidungen Sommer unseres Lebens, 2010, Morpheus, 2012, Bearshare, 2014 und Tauschbörsen I, II, III, 2015 stets den Kurs verfolgt und konsequent weiterentwickelt, dass die tatsächliche Vermutung dazu führt, dass zunächst der Anschlussinhaber haftet, wenn er allerdings im Rahmen der ihm obliegenden sogenannten sekundären Darlegungslast eine ernsthafte Möglichkeit eines Alternativgeschehens möglichst detailgenau und plausibel darlegen kann, haftet er nicht mehr!

Consult A Corporate Law Firm

If you ever question a business expert about the business efficiency, he or she will always answer your question by stressing the importance of smooth management and following the business laws. In the business’ operational, managerial and investment tasks, a basic theory of economics known as the division of labor is employed. For those who are not familiar with the division of labor, this theory suggests that to achieve maximum efficiency, different sectors of the economy or the business should be specialized in one task. As you may have learned, too many chefs are spoiling the broth and this is precisely the message the division of labor principle is trying to teach. It is for this reason that businesses are divided into sections such as Marketing, Finance, HR etc. Like all these departments, each business should have a separate department responsible for all the legal tasks, but sadly only a few large businesses adopt such a policy. Small and medium-sized firms fail to realize that a lawyer’s help with legal matters will potentially save a lot of time and money, however the businessmen’s minds remain quite the opposite notion of this case. Most businessmen are of the opinion that hiring an attorney actually imposes extra time and financial burden on the business. In reality, corporate law firms have lawyers who are business and corporate law experts, they can handle every big or small business issue easily, and of course years of experience allows them to act on things much faster than regular people.Click here to enable the notifications for Abmahnung Waldorf Frommer details here

However, not only are the benefits of visiting corporate law firms limited to this, lawyers in such firms can provide guidance on nearly every aspect of the business. If you’re thinking about raising your employees, then you can also talk to the lawyer about what the industry’s ongoing wage rate is, you can ask about existing laws on promotions and wage increases. Most importantly, you can ask if your business is engaged in any activity that jeopardizes employee rights as employment rights are a hot issue in California state these days.

Corporate law firms are helping clients overcome their problems, which interrupt their business operations. You can arrange more discussion sessions with your business lawyer to discuss the problems, keeping the minor details in view. Then he or she can suggest the best possible solution that can be achieved in a shorter time frame, and at a low cost too. Corporate lawyers are well aware of state laws and have the expertise to handle complex situations with ease. So don’t hesitate to consult with a business lawyer for your legal issues, as this will benefit your company in the long run and help prevent such headaches in the future.

Law Firm- A Closer Look

This has nothing to do with the claims of the prosecution even though they are very serious and energy-depleting. Lawful issues, matches between the law and legal professionals are all scary or the common man checks them with awe and deference. Yet you need an attorney when you need an attorney, and there’s no other alternative you can do. So, where does one go in search of one? Word of mouth, in the best system, is the regular way to get a lawyer referral. And if you know an attorney in one area who is a professional, he will be able to recommend another in the field of experience you need. Lawyers work through the best system and have in the best law firm managing a personal lawyer referral assistance.

When do you need a recommendation from your lawyer? In many circumstances, it is essential to know the status in the face of the law and to resolve issues legally or avoid a problem by obtaining the necessary legal security measures.

A law firm is an enterprise established to practice the exercise of law by one or more legal professionals. A law firm’s main service is to recommend customers (individuals or corporations) about their privileges and obligations, and to stand up for their customers in urban or legal situations, purchases, and other matters where lawful advice and other support are desired. If you have the damage in the job or some other position and you want the law firm to have, then you must know what kind of law firm you are going to have. Smaller firms tend to focus on particular areas of law specialization such as labor law tax law etc., larger firms can comprise of several specialist exercise classes, allowing the business to broaden its markets and market to provide their clients a variety of services. Large law firms generally have individual legal proceedings and transactional divisions. The transactional office proposes consumers and discusses transactional lawful results, such as setting up transactions, handling required lawful services and lawsuits, and evaluating and maintaining conformity with applicable law; whereas the litigation office symbolizes customers in prosecution and deals with essential issues (such as production and court activities) throughout the legal process.

The common man is afraid of the legislation and the expenses associated with the charges of lawful counsel and attorney. The lawyer referral program will give you a reasonable concept of the charges that more than one lawyer will engage in and you can choose the lawyer you can manage. It can be time-consuming to discover the right lawyer for your particular legal issue, and then missing could mean failures with regard to your money and chance. Referral assistance from the lawyer is usually very quick to respond to your need.

Factors To Consider When Choosing A Law Firm

You may require a lawyer’s professional services at some point in your life, whether it is for writing or contesting a will, buying a property or creating a contract for your business. That is why it’s very critical to choose a good law firm. There are a good number of law firms alone, whose services you can make use of. However, the question is which of the numbers of firms you’ll hire. Ideally, you should pick a firm willing to work with your best interest in mind. And before you go and hire a particular law firm, here are several factors that you must first keep in mind.

Reputation and credentials

If you need to consider one primary thing when looking for a law firm, the company should be of excellent reputation. You don’t just want to pick some law firm out there and wind up with the wrong audience. Before you decide who you will be hiring, make sure that you have already performed background checks on each of your prospects. You’d want to go with a company with lawyers who have high ratings and are highly qualified and able to handle your case as much as possible.


It’s important to have a strong mutual relationship with a firm you’re considering hiring, so pick a company you know you can truly rely on as much as possible. There will be occasions when it comes to legal matters that you need to report very sensitive information to the company. That’s so they can give you legal advice that’s suitable for your situation.

Experience and success rate

Aside from being reliable and reputable, there should also be a high success rate in a good law firm. To achieve this the company should have sufficient experience in the field. You should also test whether the company has been working with a case similar to yours in the past and whether or not they have treated it with a high success rate. Working with lawyers and lawyers requires not only your time, but also your money, and you don’t want to lose both your time and money by working with a firm that won’t be able to guarantee your success first.


Finally, you should choose a law firm with a good number of lawyers whom you can contact easily and reach whenever you need. At the same time, choose a large, prestigious company, as you can be sure that such a company has a good number of branches that can meet your needs, no matter which city you are in.

Seeking the right services law firm isn’t really that complicated. You can start by asking employers, friends and relatives for referrals. You can also go straight to the law society in your town and ask for suggestions. And if you want a more convenient option, you can always use the World Wide Web to the advantage. Most large law firms today have their own web site where they can easily reach clients like you: anwalt arbeitsrecht münchen